Monday, September 3, 2012


I don't think I've told you this before, but last fall I was in a musical through a theater group called CYT (Christian Youth Theater.) It's so much fun! Well, this fall, I'm trying out again. This time for "The Music Man." (Last year's was Narnia. It was awesome.) The auditions were a few days ago. Oh my goodness, I've never been more nervous and freaked out of anything in my life. I'm so glad it's over! We had to sing for one minute in front of everyone. I was shaking and sweating like crazy! But, I hit all the notes (I sang "Pure Imagination from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.") And I'm a townsperson! (Which I'm okay with.) I really hope I get a small speaking role, though. But, I'm so excited! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures once the performance is under way. If only you guys could come and see! Well, I need to go, but I hope you have a great week! And happy Labor Day! I've scheduled more fun posts all week so stay tuned!

~ Rosalyn*


  1. I LOVE ACTING!!!!!!!!! =D I do theater whenever I can!!! Hope you have a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT time!!!!!!
