Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi everyone! :) How have ya'll been doing? I've been doing great and just finished up a week working at a day camp at my church. I pretty much babysat lots of kids all day. It was really fun and my sister and cousin/BFF did it with me, but of course I was tired because it was an all day thing! :) We helped out with art and cooking camps. And they were really messy. But it was okay because we got to eat and draw stuff too. :)

Anyways, tomorrow morning I am leaving for Lake Tahoe with my family! I can't wait! I have a lot of posts planned, but they might be less frequent because I'll be there. I'm bringing my computer, but I still want to spend as much time as possible swimming, being with my family, hiking, and having fun. So, I just thought I would let you know.

To end this post, here are some fun pictures! Have a great day! :)

That pretty much describes summer perfectly. :)


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Made to Inspire #4

I am officially addicted to Pinterest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As you may have noticed, I have finally created a Bloglovin account! So feel free to follow me there since Google reader is leaving. :P

Have a great day! :)


Thursday, June 27, 2013



That was me


That was me too



I know right?


No match




Oh yeah

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was bored. :)


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Library ~ A Short Story

“I loved reading those books.”
Startled, I look up. My ocean blue eyes meet chocolate brown ones.
“Doesn’t everybody?” I chuckle. “It’s only one of the most best-selling books of all time!”
“I know.” The boy smiles and takes a seat in the chair across from me. “Who is your favorite character?”
“That’s hard. They are all so special to me in many different ways. But, overall, I’d have to say Hermione. She’s just so awesome.”
“Yeah. Ron’s my favorite character. Even though he messes up at points, he always comes back. He never gives up and sticks with Harry until the very end.”
An awkward silence comes upon us, each lost in our own thoughts of the world of Harry Potter. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I, Annie, am just minding my own business in my corner at the library when all of a sudden a boy I barely know comes up and talks to me. I don’t quite know what to make of it.
“Do you come to the library often? I’ve never seen you here before.” I ask, putting Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix down.
“Actually, yes. I started coming about two weeks ago when I had to check out some books for my history project. That’s when I noticed you came here too. You were always lost in your own little world of stories. I started coming every day to see what you were reading next, but I never had the courage to approach you. So I sat reading in my corner and you sat reading in your corner. Only until today did I decide to at least find out your name.”
“Really?” I stare, unbelieving, at him. “And it’s Annie by the way.”
“I’m William. It’s nice to meet you!” He sticks out his hand and I politely shake it.
“Same here! I’m glad you decided to introduce yourself. So, just to clear things up, do we go to the same school or something? Because you look really familiar.”
“Yes, we do,” he smiles. “I’m even in your math and Spanish class.”
“Oh, wow! Sorry I didn't recognize you. There are just so many people shoved into that one room that I can’t remember every face.”
“That’s totally fine! I know the feeling. Sometimes, on bad days, I still get lost and have to ask someday where the gym is when I’m standing right next to it.”
I brake into laughter and he soon follows suit. This gets us a hushing from the librarian nearby, but that only makes us laugh even harder. I’m starting to like him more and more as time goes on. This has to be one of the best days of my life! I hardly ever get noticed by people, let alone boys!
An alarm on my phone goes off and I realize it is time for me to head home. Reluctantly, I put my books back into my bulging backpack and stand up.
“Sorry, but I have to go. Maybe I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”
“I’m sure you will. I should be heading home too. If my mom finds out I haven’t spent this hour starting on homework, she’ll freak!” He quickly gathers his things and we start walking towards the door together. “Goodbye, Annie!” And with a smile on his face, he exits the library and doesn’t look back.
I stop and watch him maneuver down the busy street. “Goodbye, William.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“And that’s how I met your grandpa: through a love of books.”
“What a great story, Grandma! Can you tell me another one?”
“Oh, Julie, your grandma is all tired out now. Maybe another time.”
And with that, I put little Julie to bed, kiss her goodnight, and close the door. She soon falls asleep.
“Sweet dreams, my little one.”

Have a great day // Thanks for reading :)


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mercy {A Sunday Devotional}

Do you love mercy?

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

~ Micah 6:8 ~

God wants us to show mercy to others. Not to just do it, but to love doing it. Merriam Webster;s dictionary defines Mercy in 3 ways:
1. A compassion or forbearance shown to an offender.
2. A blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion.
3. Compassionate treatment of those in distress.

Our days are filled with chances to show mercy to others. We can show mercy by forgiving our friends, even if we would rather hold a grudge. We can show mercy by helping our mom clean the house because she is stressed out or not feeling well, even if we would rather go out with our friends. We can show mercy by volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. There are so many ways that we can show mercy.

Showing mercy is an act of humility. It's giving up the right to hold a grudge or spend time doing what you want to do. It's saying  that we acknowledge that everyone needs help sometimes and everyone makes mistakes. God had mercy on us, and we want to do the same for others.

When we show mercy to others, we are showing our true beauty in Christ. We are letting the mercy that he has shown to us shine out on others. So I encourage you today to show your true beauty to others, by loving mercy.

Do you show mercy to others on a regular basis? Do you do it out of love for mercy or obligation?

Application step:
Today, look for opportunities to show mercy to others.


Saturday, June 22, 2013