Thursday, April 4, 2013

Linkup #2

Theme: secrets. Here we meet a friend of Anna's...

April 16, 1899

Dear Diary,

I have a secret. And it's a horrible one.

I know what you're thinking: what a great way to start this whole thing off. But my mother told me diaries are places where people keep secrets, so I guess I can tell you. After all, no one is going to read this. At least, I hope so. But I don't have any siblings, so my secret's safe. For now, that is. Mother could have her baby any day and I have no idea if I'm excited or worried. Her last baby died an hour after birth and this time there is no one to help or comfort her. Now, we're all alone.

No, that is not my secret. Though it could pass for one. But my secret is far worse than our predicament. It involves my friend Anna (though after she knows what I did, we probably won't be friends anymore) and her family-

Oh, dear. Mother is calling me, and I need to make supper now as the day is growing dark. You'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Yours truly,

Bridget Larson
