Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Cute Side #17

Wow. That was a lot of pictures! :D But I hope you liked them! I sure did. I am so amazed by what God created.
Today, at play practice, it was awesome! Us wolves ran through the Wolf Hunt and Dance scene where we chased and then "killed" a deer. It was so much fun! It was also really hot today and we were running around for hours! :D
Then, there is this part, where we have to lift Mowgli up and throw him. It was really hard at first and the poor guy kept falling, but we eventually made it work. :)
Argh, my Saturdays don't feel like Saturdays anymore. I don't get to sleep in at all. But now I'm on spring break so that will be good. Are you?

Have a great day!



  1. Cute Pictures:) What play are you in?
    I'm having an open interview kinda thingy, so if you wanna stop by that would be great?


  2. Wow, that's a lot of pictures! ;) My favorites are: #2 #3 #9 #14 #16 #18 #20 #21 #22 #23! :P
    Cool! I know, I always wake up so early Saturday morning without realizing it :P I had my spring break this past week. :)

  3. Beautiful photos!! ♥ Oh, and I havea a question; did you design your blog? It's so lovely!
    xo Leslie Violet

  4. Thanks everyone! :)

    Megann ~ I will stop by your blog!

    Mandy ~ Yeah. :P That's cool!

    Leslie ~ You're my 101th follower! :D To answer your question again, no I did not design my blog because the lovely Miss Rebekah did! See page FAQ...

