Friday, September 13, 2013

Be A Hero

Darkness has fallen over the kingdom, and a messenger has been sent to bring news of the king's death and what has happened...

He trudges on in the pouring rain...

Hopelessness wells up in side of him and he wonders what's going to happen next...

Who will be brave enough to fight him?

"I am," she says, rising. There is no fear in her voice.

The whispers start up and someone asks her, "But you're just a girl. You don't know anything about war. And besides, he's too powerful."

"No, I can do this," she says, and draws her sword.

The metal from the swords clang together and the horses neigh in a panic. She crawls off to the side, away from the fighting. She is fearful, but also grateful. The long-lost prince has saved her life.

"You're a hero," she says once he has scared his evil brother off.

"But I wouldn't have had the courage to be one if it weren't for you, brave girl."

She smiles, and together they come home to a celebration where he asks her to be his queen.

And they lived happily ever after <3

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hope you enjoyed that little snippet of a story. :)

I'm so glad that it's the weekend! This week, my Bible study group, choir, youth group, and theater group started back up so it was a very fun and busy week! A very interesting one at school too... Well, it's good to be back and hopefully I can catch up on all the posts that I've missed! :D

Have a great day!


P.S. I just remembered that today is Friday the 13th! :P


  1. I loved this story! :) And we need to catch up soon! Love you Jessica! :)


  2. *was* Friday the 13th. Huh. I didn't realize that. :p
    Loved this post! :) My first thought when I saw the title was of Anna (Storyteller's) blog "Hero". :p

  3. Loved the post, Jessica! I tagged you on my blog! I'd love to see your answers <3
