Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Five Years Of Journals

For five years, I've been keeping five journals. One for every year. I love looking back on what I've written and what was going on in my life then.

My first journal (the bottom one) was when I was in 4th grade and 11 years old. I wrote in it from 2008 to 2009. What I wrote is hilarious! :D I was so young then and there are so many empty pages.

My second journal (the green one) started in August 2009. It ended in January 2010. So that one wasn't filled that much either. What makes this journal special is that my old friend Madison gave it to me for my birthday. What I wrote is all in cursive so it's kind of hard to read since I was only 12. Lots of good memories that I remember from that year were written down. :)

My third journal (the small one) started in December 2010. This is the only one that got completely filled and I wrote in for exactly a year! I love this journal.

I started writing in my fourth journal (the red one) a day after I finished my third. It was almost 2012 and I was 14 years old. I got about halfway through it when I stopped around April or May. This is when I started blogging so I didn't write in any journals until January 2013.

The top one is my fifth journal. I started out strong. I wrote everyday about the good things that had happened and the bad. But then, I got a new blog. A private blog called Jessica's Journal so I didn't write in this one anymore because I had an online one. But then, I stopped blogging on Jessica's Journal in June. I had Whispers of the Wind and Six Faraway Friends to tend to.

Now, my blogs are my journals. Real-life ones for me are just to hard to keep up with and I forget. I may not ever write in a real-life journal again, but I don't need to. I have my blogs. They work better for me and are so much more fun because I have you guys! :)

Do you have any journals or diaries you like to write in?



  1. I love writing in journals. :) I've been writing in journals since I was old enough to write at all, and I still do! Sometimes I write a lot, sometimes I don't write much at all, but like you said, it's fun to look back at what I've written! :)

    God bless,
    Joy :)

  2. I started writing in a journal at the beginning of this year, it's nice to be able to collect your thoughts in. I'm actually trying to not read my entries now, but look at them at the end of the year, or whenever I finish the journal. It's so cool that you have been writing in journals for four years! :)

  3. I love journals. <3 I love going back and reading what I've written.... Even if it IS little kiddish:) It's always hilarious! :) Thanks for sharing your journals with us:)

    1. Yeah, it's nice. :) I don't think it's little kiddish! Your welcome! Thanks for commenting! :)

  4. http://areyouadragonmaster.blogspot.com/2013/08/tag-im-it-apparently.html Tag, you're it! :) (again, I love this post)

  5. Ahhh that's so cool! I've always wanted to have journals to go back and look at, but I'm never consistent with them... I guess my blog will have to be my journal too :)

  6. I love journaling too! I'm not as consistent as I used to be, though. I started journaling when I was 9, and have I think 12 journals I've finished since then.

    I tagged you on my blog! :)


    p.s. I know it's my turn to email you! Sorry it's taking so long!
