Friday, July 26, 2013

We Went Berry Picking

Hi everyone! :) Have you ever gone berry picking? My family and I always go every year to a pick-your-self ranch near where we live. We've been going for as long as I can remember and it's one of the highlights of the summer!
We went about a month ago and I'm just posting the pictures now. Enjoy!

And so it begins!

It's such a nice, secluded area in the country where there are farms as far as the eye can see.

Strawberries! One of my most favorite fruits ever. And this ranch has the best strawberries around!

We had a lot of fun. :)

What a weirdly shaped strawberry!

I just had to wear my red Converse. :)

We picked a lot!

After we picked the strawberries, we walked down to the main part of the ranch and the store. This is where we buy the olallieberries. It's such a quaint little area!

As a little treat, we always buy their lollipops. They are so good!

They also sell honey sticks, but in my opinion, they sound better than they taste.

They even have a cute little antique store!

Jams, souvenirs, recipe books, breads, and more!

Outside, there is a courtyard area and a pie shop! I love pie! :)

Now, we drive home to make the jam!

All of our lollipops. :)

The finished product: homemade strawberry and olallieberry jam! I can't wait to go back next year!

Thanks for reading // Have a great day! :)



  1. That looks like so much fun!! Ahhh I love strawberries. :D I used to go apple picking when I was younger, and it would be awesome if I could find a berry picking place nearby.

  2. That looks like so much fun!! :)

    1. It was! :) I love going every year!

    2. I go apple picking every year, but I have never gone strawberry picking. I will have to try it! :)

  3. That looks like a lot of fun! :) I love the pictures!! :)


  4. Looks like a very fun time with family!

  5. The jam you make looks sooo good! :D I have never been berry picking, but I think it would be fun! :D
