Monday, May 13, 2013


{This post was inspired by Emma.}

Reading: The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams and Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke (I'm re-reading it because I love it so much!)

Eating: Nothing at the moment, but I had a burrito and strawberries for lunch. Does that count?

Feeling: Tired, daydreamy, and hot (It's like 80 degrees today! I do not do well in the heat. Thus my red hair.)

Wishing: I had spoken my feelings aloud yesterday, that all my friends and I went to the same school, and whatever I pinned could come true.

Happy about: Summer, the Book Fair coming to town, and my new Pinterest :)

Sad about: The end of The Jungle Book and the school year (I'm saying goodbye to those friends and saying hello to my summer friends. It's a bittersweet feeling.)

Have a great day! :)


1 comment:

  1. It was chilly where I lived this morning - I'm kind of hoping for warm weather, but I agree, my hair and the heat do not do well :)
