Monday, October 7, 2013

Let The Grass Go ~ A Short Story

"I can't take this anymore!" I cried, sinking to my knees.
My voice was lost on the vast prairie, and for some reason that only made me angrier. So I took a clump of prairie grass in my fist and tore it out of the ground. But before I could demolish it any further, Ciera stopped me by placing her hand on mine. Lilly came around on my other side and put her arm around me for support. I flinched, but didn't draw away. That's when Ciera started talking.
"Look at me, Miri."
I reluctantly looked up at her. Her serious blue eyes returned my gaze.
"I know this year has been hard for you. I get it. I really do. And I'm so sorry."
I could feel the tears start to bubble up inside of me again. How many times had I heard the words, I'm sorry? Too many times.
"You have every right to cry and shut the world out, but I think it's time. It's time you move on."
I opened my mouth to reply, but she wasn't done yet.
"I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I hate seeing you like this, Miri. I want my friend back."
Now she was the one crying.
"I want to see you smile again. I want to see you laugh again. Please, Miri. You have your whole life ahead of you. You're going to do amazing things, I know, because you're an amazing girl. Don't spend time mulling about the past when you could be enjoying the present and looking forward to the future."
"Well, what if I don't want to move on? Why did all these things have to happen to me anyways?"
This time, Lilly answered.
"I don't know, Miri. I don't know. But everyone experiences some kind of pain in their life. That's when you grow and learn the most. I know it's hard to deal with right now, but we're here for you. We're here to help you and be there every step of the way. Because that's what friends are for."
Her words startled me and made me realize how right she was. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. Come on, Miri. Pull yourself together, I heard a small voice say inside my head. I took a deep breath. I can do this. It's going to be okay.
Slowly, I stood up, the prairie grass still clutched in my hand. And, looking into the faces of my friends, I smiled for the first time in months. I was ready to let the grass go.

the gift of a friend is more precious than gold <3 keep them close to you

Have a great day! :)
