Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi everyone! :) How have ya'll been doing? I've been doing great and just finished up a week working at a day camp at my church. I pretty much babysat lots of kids all day. It was really fun and my sister and cousin/BFF did it with me, but of course I was tired because it was an all day thing! :) We helped out with art and cooking camps. And they were really messy. But it was okay because we got to eat and draw stuff too. :)

Anyways, tomorrow morning I am leaving for Lake Tahoe with my family! I can't wait! I have a lot of posts planned, but they might be less frequent because I'll be there. I'm bringing my computer, but I still want to spend as much time as possible swimming, being with my family, hiking, and having fun. So, I just thought I would let you know.

To end this post, here are some fun pictures! Have a great day! :)

That pretty much describes summer perfectly. :)



  1. Wow! Those pictures are so pretty!
    Have a good vacation!
    I know right?! I love helping with little kids, VBS is always so much fun!


  2. Have a GREAT vacation Jess! Hope you have a wonderful time with your family!

    Follow my blog with bloglovin' today!

  3. <3 the pics!! Have a great time!! :)

  4. Very pretty pics! Have a fantabulous time!!!! And your so lucky I'm like so bad with kids! I help out in a toddlers classroom at my church and all the kids are always crying and I'm just like, "UGHHH when will service be over already!!"
