Monday, December 10, 2012

Stuff That's Happening This Week

Hello everyone! :) I hope you a great Monday.
Two things are happening this week - one good and one bad. The bad news - finals. Ugh! I have this huge math test and science project to study for and work on. :P The good news - Christmas Concerts! Every year, my church puts on elaborate Christmas themed concerts. I have been in five and they are so much fun! And this year, I have a solo! :D I am really excited. So, due to these happenings, I might not be able to post this week, but there will be a big post next week filled with pictures from the concerts, giveaway details, Christmas stuff, and more! Bye for now!


P.S. Thank you so much for 6,000+ page views! :)


  1. The concert sounds like a lot of fun, and the solo. The finals and math...not so much. I hope the math stuff goes well, and the solo!

  2. Awesome! We had a concert with all of our churches in town, and we played our Handbells at it. :) And then yesterday there was this cantata, and I was a wise man in the wise nativity. =D Hope you have fun!!

  3. Good luck!! Can't wait to find out about the giveaway. :)

  4. Wow and good luck!
    visit my blog plz
