Wow! Thank you so much for 60 followers! :D I'd never thought I'd reach this far. Only 15 more til 75 and the big giveaway! :)
The super long 200 Tag!
Answers by Jess
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
200. My middle name is: Anne
199. I was born in: 1997
198. I am really: Shy until you get to know me, then I get crazy! :)
197. My cellphone company is: Verizon
196. My eye color is: Blue
195. My shoe size is: around 8 or 9
194: My ring size is: ?
193. My height is: 5'3
192. I am allergic to: Nothing at the moment
191. My 1st car was: Don't have one yet, but a Prius would be nice ;)
190. My 1st job was: Babysitter
189. Last book you read: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
188. My bed is: High up!
187. My pet: My crazy dog Kinley :)
186. My best friend: My cousin Haley <3
185. My favorite shampoo is: No opinion
184. AIM name: N/A
183. Piggy banks are: Fun, but annoying.
182. In my pockets: Lip balm
181. On my calendar: Cats and dogs
180. Marriage is:
179. Spongebob can: be weird...
178. My mom: is hardworking and loving
177. The last three Cd's I bought were: Don't remember
176. Last YouTube video watched: A science video for school (I think?)
175. How many cousins do you have? 15!
174. Do you have any siblings? Two younger sisters
173. Are your parents divorced? Never
172. Are you taller than your mom? Not yet ;)
171. Do you play an instrument? I used too...
170. What did you do yesterday? School and catching up on reading
{I Believe In }
169. Love at first sight: Yup
168. Luck: Not sure (though I think I'm very lucky)
167. Fate: Kind of
166. Yourself: Yes...
165. Aliens: Um, no!
164. Heaven: Totally!
163. Hell: Yes...
162. God: Yes! :)
161. Horoscopes: No
160. Soul mates: Kind of
159. Ghosts: No
158. Marriage: Yes
157. War: Yes
156. Orbs: No...
155. Magic: Only in books (unfortunately) ;)
{ This or That }
154. Hugs or Kisses: Hmm, it depends but probably hugs
153. Drunk or High: Neither
152. Phone or Online: Online
151. Red heads or Black haired: I just love red hair! :D
150. Blondes or Brunettes: Both
149. Hot or cold: Probably cold...?
148. Summer or winter: Summer!
147. Autumn or Spring: These are so hard! :P
146. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!!! :D
145. Night or Day: Day
144. Oranges or Apples: Apples
143. Curly or Straight hair: Straight
142. McDonald's or Burger King: Neither! Ick!
141. White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Def Milk Chocolate
140. Mac or PC: Mac
139. Flip flops or high heels: Flip flops!
138. Ugly and rich OR cute and poor: Ooo, I don't know... that's a good question...
137. Coke or Pepsi: Neither! Ick!
136. Hillary or Obama: No opinion
135. Buried or cremated: Um, buried
134. Singing or Dancing: Singing! :)
133. Coach or Chanel: ?
132. Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ?
131. Small town or Big city: Small town! :)
130. Wal-Mart or Target: Target
129. Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ?
128. Life or death: I can't answer that...
127. East Coast or West Coast: West...?
126. Your Birthday or Christmas: Hmm...Christmas
125. Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers...?
124. Disney or Six Flags: Disney!
123. Yankees or Red Sox: No opinion
{ Here's What I Think About }
122. War: No
121. George Bush: No opinion
120. Marriage: No...
119. The presidential election: No opinion
118. Abortion: No way!
117. MySpace: Don't have one
116. Reality TV: Funny
115. Parents: You guys are the best! :)
114. Back stabbers: Don't like them
113. eBay: I love eBay! :)
112. Mean People: Don't like them
111. Work: Do your best!
110. My Neighbors: My neighbors are nice and quiet :)
109. Gas Prices: Are you crazy?!
108. Designer Clothes: Ok, but expensive!
107. College: Almost there! Eep!
106. Sports: Not really...
105. My family: Is supportive and loving
104. The future: Anticipation!
{ Last time I }
103. Hugged someone: Yesterday
102. Last time you ate: About an hour ago...
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: A few weeks ago
100. Cried in front of someone: Don't remember!
99. Went to a movie theater: A while ago
98. Took a vacation: This past summer
97. Swam in a pool: This past summer
96. Changed a diaper: Never
95. Got my nails done: A few years ago...
94. Went to a wedding: A few weeks ago
93. Broke a bone: Years ago...
92. Got a piercing: Not yet
91. Broke the law: Never!
90. Texted: A few days ago...?
{ MISC }
89. Who makes you laugh the most: Pretty much ALL my friends! :)
88. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Sorry this is so general, but everything!
87. The last movie I saw: I know this! I really do! Um... oh! Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (I am a huge fan of HP!)
86. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Publishing my first book
85. The thing I'm not looking forward to: Having the responsibility of living on my own
84. People call me: Jess, Jessica, Jessi...
83. The most difficult thing to do is: Stand up for yourself
82. I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never
81. My zodiac sign is: I forget, but I don't really care
80. The first person I talked to today was: My mom
79. First time you had a crush: In first grade... :)
78. The one person who I can't hide things from: My sisters (they're so sneaky!)
77. Last time someone said something you were thinking: A while ago
76. Right now I am talking to: No one
75. What are you going to do when you grow up: Travel around the world!
74. I have/will get a job: I will be a children's author
73. Tomorrow: is Thursday
72. Today: Wednesday, October 17, 2012
71. Next Summer: I want to start practice driving, and go on a road trip to Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas
70. Next Weekend: Music Man shows! :)
69. I have these pets: A dog
68. The worst sound in the world: Someone throwing up! :P
67. The person that makes me cry the most is: My siblings :(
66. People that make you happy: My friends
65. Last time I cried: Yesterday?
64. My friends are: AWESOME! Thank you so much! ;)
63. My computer is: A MacBook
62. My school: is in my house and at another woman's house (half-and-half)
61. My Car: no idea
60. I lose all respect for people who: get between me and my friends
59. The movie I cried at was: The Passion of Christ
58. Your hair color is: Strawberry blond
57. TV shows you watch: Jessie, Good Luck Charlie, Austin and Ally, Shake It Up!, The Amazing Race, American Idol, The X-Factor... A lot! :)
56. Favorite web site: There is no answer to this question!
55. Your dream vacation: Go to Australia and all over Europe!
54. The worst pain I was ever in was: when I broke my toe
53. How do you like your steak cooked: Not sure...
52. My room is: haphazardly clean
51. My favorite celebrity is: No idea!
50. Where would you like to be:
49. Do you want children: At least one boy and one girl
48. Ever been in love: Yes :)
47. Who's your best friend: my cousin Haley <3
46. More guy friends or girl friends: Girls. Boys make me nervous.
45. One thing that makes you feel great is: when people compliment me
44. One person that you wish you could see right now: AGMarket!
43. Do you have a 5 year plan: No...
42. Have you made a list of things to do before you die: I have a mental one
40. Last person I got mad at: My sister
39. I would like to move to: I don't want to move!
38. I wish I was a professional: Writer and singer
{ My Favorites }
37. Candy: Anything with chocolate
36. Vehicle: No opinion
35. President: IDK
33. Cellphone provider: Verizon...?
32. Athlete: None
31. Actor: There's too many!
30. Actress: Again, there's too many!
29. Singer: And again, there's too many!
28. Band: The Band Perry
27. Clothing store: Lots
26. Grocery store: Any
25. TV show: Any
24. Movie: Any
23. Website: I have too many
22. Animal: Cats and horses
21. Theme park: Disney Land
20. Holiday: Christmas
19. Sport to watch: None
18. Sport to play: Wii :)
17. Magazine: AG or DG magazine
16. Book: Hardest question ever!
15. Day of the week: No opinion
14. Beach: No opinion
13. Concert attended: Never been to one
12. Thing to cook: Top Raman or scrambled eggs
11. Food: Pizza or Burritos
10. Restaurant: No opinion
9. Radio station: K-Love
8. Yankee candle scent: I love them all!
7. Cologne: No opinion
6. Flower: Tulips
5. Color: Purple and Green
4. Talk show host: No opinion
3. Comedian: No opinion
2. Dog breed: No opinion
1. Are you ready for this survey to be over? YES! :)
Congrats if you read all the way through! :D
And sorry that was (slightly) boring!
P.S. I might be going to the L.A. AG Place in May! :D