Thursday, December 27, 2012

Random... and a story!

Just so you know, my Interviews page is up and running! Check it out! :)

How was your Christmas? Mine was great! I had a lot of fun and I got some great gifts: clothes, iPod, shower stuff, books, money... all my favorites.

Are you excited about 2013? I can't wait! :)

I hope you aren't bored of this post, so here is something to make it more interesting: a story by me!


When I came back, she was gone. Everyone was gone. I remember frantically searching through the empty town, calling her name unceasingly. But then I broke into sobs when I realized she wasn’t here. Nobody was.
Let me start at the beginning. Winter was finally ending. The snow was melting, the sun was shining, the birds were starting to sing again, and the soldiers had left. At least, for a little while.
I had ventured into the woods in hopes of finding a suitable dinner for my sister and me. I was lucky. A buck had wandered into my path and I killed it in an instant. It was a big buck, too. My spirits had risen, for now we would be able to eat for days to come. I don’t know how I managed to drag him all the way back home, but Father trained me well. If only he could see me now. But those days were dead and gone and passed.
I remember her saying “Don’t leave me here alone.” So, I put my arms around her like a big sister would and told her I had to, in order for us to survive. I told her that if anyone came to the house while I was gone that she was not to answer the door, but to hide in the cupboard in the kitchen. She said she understood, but what if I didn’t come back? Then what was she to do? She looked at me with her sad, brown eyes, making me nearly cry. I so badly just wanted her to be safe and sound, with a home to live in, food to eat, and people to love. So I told her, “I promise. And when I promise something, I will never ever break that promise.”
I left and didn’t look back, thinking it was just a normal day and that I would be back soon. But it was not a normal day. It was the worst day of my life. Worse than when the soldiers started coming and our neighbors starting disappearing. Worse than when Father was taken away. Even worse than Mother dying. It was worse because now I had no one. No one to keep me going, no one to hang onto when times got tough. I was all alone.
It was a horrible feeling.


They were coming for me. I could hear them – their boots crunching in the snow, their swords clanking at their sides, their harsh words muttered among them as they made a final search through the ghost town. I cowered in the cupboard like Soren had told me to do, not making a sound. Please go away, please go away, I prayed.
My heart skipped a beat when they knocked on the door. When no one came, they grew impatient and threw open the door themselves. I bit my tongue to keep from crying out. I could hear them rummaging through our belongings and wandering through the small house, looking for signs of life.
They were getting closer. They were the hungry wolf pack and I was the miserable, lost little lamb.
“Come out, come out wherever you are,” they taunted.
I closed my eyes. Please go away, please go away. I nearly screamed when the cupboard door was thrust open. I looked into the eyes of my kidnappers.
“Ha! We found you!”
They pulled me out screaming and thrashing like a wild animal.
“Let me go!” I cried. “Soren! Soren!”
I sunk my teeth into the hand that held me, desperately trying to get away. He howled and clutched his hand, dropping me in the process. I fell to the floor and jumped up, but there were too many of them. Another soldier grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.
“She’s a feisty one, she is,” he said. “Let’s put her in the back with the rest of them.”
I screamed again, praying someone would hear me, but then everything went black.

What do you think? Want to know what happens next? I'll post more this week!

Have a great day! :)


  1. What a good story! :) You are super talented!

  2. Just wanted to let you know if you killed a sick deer you couldn't eat it cause the meat would be affected and if you ate it most likely you would get sick and die :( but anyways it was a pretty awesome story keep writing :D
    Your Friend
    Poem Girl

  3. Ooh! I love the suspense! And the emotion. Poor Miri!And when Soren will come back when Miri's gone! Awesome story! Post again soon!
