Monday, September 17, 2012

I was Baptized!

It's Monday again! :) And I have some special news I'd like to share with you. Yesterday, down at the beach, I was baptized! (Since I am a Christian.) It was awesome and most of my family was there and they were really happy for me. The water was cold and the wind was annoying, but I made it! There were even a few seals way out there that came to see me! :)

Here are a fews pics I took just for fun.

~ The beach and sky were so beautiful! ~

~ Sandy toes! ~

~ There were so many people who were there - watching and getting baptized ~

~ Under the dock/bridge thing ~

~ Seacliff Beach ~

~ The view from the cliff ~

Have you been baptized?


  1. That is awesome Jessica! And no, I haven't been baptized yet, but I am saved. :)


  2. THAT IS SO AWESOME, JESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

  3. Congratulations! I have not been baptized yet, but like Hannah said, I am saved. I am so happy for you! Once again, congrats!


  4. That's cool!! No, I haven't been baptized, since I'm not Christian.

  5. That's awesome!! I am not baptized yet, but I am saved!:)

  6. I am not Christian but I have been baptized in my religion(LDS).
