Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Design Contest!

Yup, that's right. I am hosting my very own design contest! Woot woot! :D It will be a Book Cover Design for the book that I have just recently finished writing! I am so happy with my progress and can't wait to publish it! So, here is the description:

Title: Hope in the Distance

Author: Jessica Spurlock

Summary: Meet 11-year old Christie and 14-year old Olivia: two different girls from two different countries. When Christie and her family board the Titanic to set sail for America, they meet Olivia along the way in their rescue ship the Carpathia. Becoming fast friends, the girls continue their journey to New York where Olivia lives. But Christie has to keep going to California where she and her family will settle with her mom's family. Will the girls ever see each other again?

Deadline: January 31st

Also, when you have finished your design, you can either email it to me or post it on your blog with a link. Be sure to enter and tell your friends! Thanks! :)



  1. I will totally enter! Do you have any images that I can use on the cover, or can I use my own photos (or photos from Google)?

  2. I entered :D


  3. Replies
    1. here is my link:
